It is very important for our school that ALL of our children enjoy success and achievement and make good progress in learning.
We use the information we have about each child who has been identified as having SEND to plan a personal programme of support.
We develop this in partnership with parents and the child – working with the SENDCo and the Class Teacher. This plan will include short term targets and will describe how we will support your child to achieve these targets. We make sure that parents/carers know the next learning steps for their child. Children with additional needs will have a My Plan which outlines their current targets. These are reviewed at least every term, during a meeting with key staff and parent/carer. We will agree new targets and sometimes identify different support/intervention. For example, speech and language intervention with a trained member of staff.
Once a term we review how well all children – including those with SEND – are progressing. We call these our Pupil Progress Review Meetings.
We will report formally once a year on the progress of all children, including those with SEND and for some pupils we will provide more frequent reports. Children working with external agencies may receive progress and review reports from therapists more often than this.