We constantly monitor important evidence for success – we take action where we are not successful
These are the things – the facts and data – we look at to make sure we are meeting the needs of children with SEND
A. Their academic standards and good progress
B. Their behaviour – for example, few exclusions
C. Attendance and punctuality – in school and on time
D. Their involvement in activities, visits and clubs
E. Taking responsibility – involved in the full life of the school
F. Destinations and smooth transitions – e.g. feedback from secondary schools
G. Parent feedback – their confidence and trust
H. Parental complaints – few + resolved
We also want to understand the experience of children with SEND so we are looking at the best ways to do this – to ask about
I. Children’s sense of inclusion
J. Positive attitudes to self, peers and school: positive friendships
K. Their personal resilience and confidence as learners