SEND Categories
- What is the school SEND Information Report?
- The purpose of our SEND Information Report
- What kind of school is Brecknock?
- Our vision – the Brecknock way
- Communicating the SEND Information Report
- Whom to contact for more information
- SEND Information Report Details
- 1. Effective Leadership, Management and Governance
- 2. Developing the skill and expertise of staff
- 3. The contribution of specialist services
- 4. Identification, assessment and planning – children with SEN/D
- 5. Reviewing children’s progress
- 6. Inclusive teaching and effective support
- 7. Ensuring access to the curriculum
- 8. Providing accessible classrooms and special resources
- 9. Working in Partnership with parents and carers
- 10. Listening to Children and Young People
- 11. Managing transitions – joining and leaving our school
- 12. Providing support for safety, personal well-being, attendance and health
- 13. How will we know if we are successful?
- Glossary