
Extended Nursery Provision for 2 Year olds – Parent Survey

The London Borough of Camden have asked Brecknock Primary School to provide a nursery provision for two year olds. This provision will support the government initiative of providing free child care for 15 hours for some 2 year olds. When this goes ahead, Brecknock Primary School will offer morning (9:00 – 12:00), afternoon (12:30 – 3:30) or full days (the free 15 hours would provide 2 full days and a half day) places for 2 year olds from January 2017. We may be able to provide some paid places in the future. Please click here to complete a survey so we can react to the needs of our community and provide the type of provision that best meets the needs of our families.

If you know of any families who are not yet part of the Brecknock community but have young children who could benefit from this offer, please tell them about this survey so they too can be involved in helping us develop the provision in the best possible way.

There is a prize draw to say thank you for taking part in this survey. The prize is £20. If you would like to be entered for a chance to win this then please enter your name and contact number at the end.

Thank you.