
Traction Man is Here!

The Year 1 classes carried out an investigation with the inquiry question:

If we were going to make a waterproof suit, hat and umbrella for Traction Man, which material would be best to use?

We tested five different materials to see if they would be suitable. We wanted to find out if they were waterproof or absorbent. First we made predictions using what we already knew about each material from real life, then we carried out an investigation in groups. We stretched the materials over the top of a clear container then poured water on them. If water went into the container, we knew that the material was absorbent. If it stayed out, we knew it was waterproof.

Once we had compared our results, we started thinking about which other properties the materials had that would make them good for Traction Man’s suit. We ended up with two finalists and tested them out on Traction Boy and Traction Girl! The bin bag won because it was flexible and strong.