You will probably know that Brecknock is a member of Challenge Partners.
They are a national charity, owned and led by schools, who work together to lead school improvement. At Brecknock we are committed to continually developing every area of the school to give children the very best learning opportunities throughout their time with us. Being a member of Challenge Partners helps us by giving us: annual reviews carried out by a team of reviewers to validate the school’s judgements and challenge us to be even better, access to a range of support from fellow member schools and a focus for collaboration with other local member schools to drive improvements for all of our children.
Following our latest review carried out by Challenge Partners we have some very positive feedback to share. To read the full report click here.
The report is extremely complimentary about the three areas upon which they focus:
- School Improvement Strategies – Brecknock was graded Outstanding
- Outcomes for pupils – Brecknock was graded Outstanding
- Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment – Brecknock was graded Outstanding
We have also had Mathematics accredited as an ‘area of excellence’ and we will be hosting a day for school leaders from across the country to look at the first class practice in our school.
The review and the report are a credit to our fantastic children, their families and the hard work and commitment of every member of staff. Bravo Brecknock!