Our behaviour policy, which is shared with all in our school community, promotes high expectations for behaviour. The purpose of this policy is to promote and develop social awareness, caring attitudes and children who are committed to their learning. The behaviour policy can be viewed below.
Our behaviour systems encourage children to manage their own behaviour. Children are asked to reflect on their actions and who they want to be. Each class has a BRIGHT values bar of qualities which exemplify the Brecknock child. Children are encouraged to reflect on how these affect those around them. Brecknock children learn about being agents of change, who can shape the world in which they live. The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is a real and meaningful guide to action on a day-to-day basis. We believe that behaviour is centred around three basic rights: The right to learn; the right to be safe and the right to be heard. Excellent behaviour inside the classroom is the key to successful learning and children will only make progress in an environment where this is allowed to happen.
The children in each class develop their own Class Charters which become a point of reference for the class and once signed by the teacher, assistants and pupils it signifies a joint undertaking which binds everyone together.
The school has put in place effective support systems to aid children to overcome emotional or behavioural barriers to learning; including the support of a Learning Mentor. Outside of the classroom, positive behaviour keeps our children safe at playtimes and lunchtimes and overriding all of this is a high level of respect for each other and for the adults in school.
Please refer to the Behaviour policy and the Children’s’ Anti-Bullying Policy. A summary of our Behaviour Policy can be found here.