We have placed this information here on our website – www.brecknock.camden.sch.uk. and have tried to make sure everything is clear and helpful.
- You will also find our new SEND Policy on the website – it is in the ‘School Policies’ page in the ‘School Info’ section of this website.
- You can pick up a summary of our SEND policy from our office.
- If you want to talk to member of staff we will arrange for a member of staff to meet you and answer your questions: let us know if you need an interpreter or a British Sign Language signer – we will do our best to provide this support
- Brecknock Primary School SEND Information Report links to the information which Camden Local Authority provides for parents and carers of children with SEND. You can see this on its website by clicking here.
- We have a summary of Camden Local Authority information in our school office; office staff will be pleased to give you a copy.