Our SENDCo – (the first person to talk to about any SEND questions or concerns) leads on the day to day operation of our SEND procedures following guidance in the SEN Code of Practice.
Marianna Slovackova
Email m.slovackova@brecknock.camden.sch.uk
Our Director of Inclusion –Laura Lien, who provides overall leadership on inclusion.
Laura Lien
Email admin@brecknock.camden.sch.uk
Our Governors for SEN/D- Syra Sowe and Shula Chiat
Email admin@brecknock.camden.sch.uk
Our School Business Manager – Maria Lewis- who can give you copies of our policies.
Maria Lewis
Email admin@brecknock.camden.sch.uk
Tel 020 7485 6334
Our Site Manager – David Gannon – who ensures that the school is clean and safe and has oversight of site access projects
David Gannon
Email admin@brecknock.camden.sch.uk