3. The contribution that specialist services and teams make to the progress and well-being of children with SEND

Teaching and support staff work closely with relevant members of specialist services who provide support for our school. The services which are working in our school this year include:

Occupational Therapy Service

Educational Psychology Service

CLCS- Speech and Language Service

PLSS- Behaviour Support Outreach

CAMHS/MHST support

Each service has referral and eligibility criteria – this means that service support is targeted on children with higher levels of need.

For example, speech and language therapy service:

and the Occupational Therapy service:

These services provide a range of support including:

  • working one to one and with small group work with children
  • providing training for teaching and support staff
  • helping us to assess needs and plan next steps and review progress

We will always involve you in any decisions about whether your child has a special educational need and the best ways to provide support. If your child requires these services we will involve you in the process at every stage: we will ask you to sign a referral form before the support can go ahead.

You can find more information about specialist services who work with Camden schools in the Local Authority Local Offer website: Health and Care Services Section


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